Project Details
 Domain  System Upgradation
 Project Name  Upgradation of steckle mill and roughing mill
 Client  Siemens, Khargar
 Project Highlights Migration from Simatic S5 to S7 of Steel Roughing Mill and Steckle Mill
Project Synopsis

Upgradation of the Data Management System for Roughing Mill and Steckle Mill at Jindal Steel, Hissar.

The old system based on Simatic S5 and COROS was studied and redesigned on the new Simatic S7 and WinCC platform. The system manages pass schedule for roughing mill and steckel mill. Online alarms, events, data and archive data are available for analysis. Each of the engineering station monitors and logs critical alarms and events. There is an ethernet communication for data management between both the mills and furnace

  1. Design and supply of control systems & cabinets.
  2. Software development.
  3. Commissioning.